Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Contribution from my husband, Russ:

Spring has sprung
Fall has fell
The snow on the ground
Is cold as.........

all get out!

There now, don't ya just feel a wee bit better????

These 2 photos are of the trees that laid across Lama-Tamalin on Monday and part of Tuesday.  Although they were trimmed to allow traffic to pass there are lines on the roadway which should not be driven over.  As of 3 p.m. on Wednesday, the lines were still on the road, although crews are at the corner of Lama Court and Lama-Tamalin working on lines, most likely those same lines.

This cedar is on our property.  We've been trying to keep it upright for several years as you can see by the ropes attached.  Hopefully it'll pop back up after the snow lets go of it.


Hi Kathy!

Below:  The action seems to be at Lama Teuemete/Nuke Trail,  just beyond Nupa Court

Next group of photos:  Hekeke Lane, just off of Teuemete:

To the left, as Hiapo intersects Lama-Tamalin:

Right turn from Hiapo onto Lama Tamalin/Hisum.  The low hanging snag of branch hanging from the line on the right of the photo was right above my car.  I certainly didn't daudle.


A snow removal vehicle of some sort came through while I was out (finally--first time since Monday) and pushed the center 'berm' to the sides of the road.  Now it's definitely ONE LANE CLEARED with ice blocks on either side.  Fortunately I didn't encounter a driver going the other directions. 
Those poor guys just can't win.

No berm to scrap the undercarriage of the car!

After navigating back up my driveway (I always back up so I'm ready to go), curbing my tires and putting on the parking brake, my car skooched about a foot-and-a-half until it was happy where it was.  It'll be interesting to see where it is in the morning.  Can't go far due to the wheels being curbed.

Again, drive gently and courteously, yield to oncoming traffic just to be nice, be kind to the repair crews........  I know, talking to the choir.  I'm just very impressed with the way they are attacking the jobs that are waiting for them. 

By the way, it's snowing quite seriously right now, 4:25 p.m.  And I have to go back out and clean the satellite dish before I can sign off.  Not a pretty site!  (these photos were from yesterday, the day of reprieve)   First: Dish Network's dish.
 Wildblue's dish.......a nice little stretch, but 'Webster' makes it all possible for short people.

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