Sunday, December 4, 2011


No 'events' in our area, equals nothing of interest to report.  No news is no news!  But, when we have news it's not always good for the homeowners.

These are photos of the house on Lama-Tamalin Road in Mi Wuk which has been damaged by the very recent wind storm:

I'm not sure what portion of the tree went into the house but it's obvious that something did.  If the owner happens to read this blog, it would be great if you could or would update us on what you have found inside.

A tree also fell across two roofs of the Mi Wuk Mutual Water Company, their warehouse and another (I don't remember which it was).  There was not a lot of damage and no one was injured.

Again, please let me know ( if you have any interesting photos or incidents where you live.  If you have a question about your property, ask me and I'll try my best to check it out.

the Klipples are still without power.  It's a little over 36 hours and counting.  PG&E says some areas could be restored later tonight and the others maybe tomorrow afternoon.   Hmmmm, what will it be for "Section 5" of the Village?  I think we're the Mi Wuk Heights Water Company area.

At any time, if you have something you'd like me to post here on this blog, please let me know.  When the BLOG is quiet it's because I have nothing of community interest to share. Right now, there's lots to post about.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Blythe.....was shocked when I saw it was the "party cabin" that the tree fell into. Sigh of relief finding no trees down at my place and the power back on :)
