November has been a quiet month up until now. And now......hold on cuz life gets crazy!
Today I wish you the love and warmth of family.
Wherever you spend your Thanksgiving Day, enjoy it. Our family tradition, rather than a prayer at the dinner table, is to take a moment, each person, to say what we are thankful for this year. This year, my daughter and family are in Georgia and my son and family will remain in San Jose, coming up to Mi Wuk on Friday. We'll have a second Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday where we'll share our thoughts of thankfulness.
Russ and I will be spending Thanksgiving with his ex-wife (yes really) and his sons and my cousin, in Murphys. His oldest son has AmyoLateralSclerosis, aka ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's disease. I'm not quite sure how we'll work in the "what are you thankful for" conversation this year since Jeff is now immobile. But, our thankfulness could be that their original family is together for this Thanksgiving Day, something that hasn't happened for nearly 20 years.
Be safe everyone.