Property inspections began this morning, Friday, May 30th, in Mi Wuk.
Cal Fire crews, as well as a few community volunteers coordinated through the Mi Wuk Sugar Pine Fire Protection District, began to inspect properties on the northwest perimeter of Mi Wuk, adjacent the fuel breaks and debris piles created during the Rim Fire last year. Those piles will most likely be burned during rainy or snowy weather for the safety of all. Crews will be forming clearance rings around the debris before burning commences.Inspections will continue throughout the community during the next month. Please do what you can to make Mi Wuk firesafe. It benefits us all.
What are the inspectors looking for?
- EVIDENCE that cleanup is in progress in earnest
- DEAD OR DYING VEGETATION must be completely removed unless otherwise specified
- needles, leaves or other vegetation on roofs, gutter, decks, porches or stairways
- limbs or trees adjacent or overhanging buildings
- leaves, needles and grass within 30 feet of all structures, including decks, stairways, etc.
- trees, brush, branches and limbs 15 feet from the ground and 100 feet from all structures
- Logs or stumps embedded in the soil: remove or isolate from structures and other vegetation
- Grass beyond 30 feet from structures: mow to max 4 inches in height, may stay on the ground
- LIVE VEGETATION to be thinned or pruned:
- Mountain misery/bear clover within 30 feet of all structures: remove completely
- Mountain misery/bear clover between 30 and 100 feet of structures; prune overhanging trees to 15 feet
- Brush, shrubs, grounds-covers, seedling/sapling trees: thin, prune, and space
- Mature trees: prune up at least 6 feet, more on slopes
- Stove pipes, chimney outlets: remove limbs and trees within 10 feet
- Stove pipes, chimney outlets: cover with 1/2" mesh screen
- propane tanks: clear 10 feet around and 15 feet above
- woodpiles: clear 10 feet around and 15 feet above
- non-vegetative flammable material: remove or clear around and cover with fire resistant material
Be sure to ask if you have special needs.
There are several brochures and documents about being fire safe at our Mi Wuk Sugar Pine station,
Fire Station 77 on Highway 108 as well as a list of service providers.
Remember, these inspections are a step towards our safety as individuals and as a community. They are not any sort of a punishment!