Thursday, January 24, 2013


Our weekend weather looks mostly like ............... RAIN.  Slight chance of snow as far down as Mi Wuk and Twain Harte.

 Click on the photo for a larger image--one you can read!

There's a second storm coming along that hints of that snow on Sunday into Monday.  And before that it's just that slight chance of rain.

I don't know about you but the pollen in the pines is making me miserable and I'd like a nice serious rain to bring it down to the ground and mash it!!!

Any interesting community photos?  As you can tell, no news is pretty much no news.  It's pretty quiet around here. 

Have a great weekend............

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I totally forgot that I had some neat photos from between Christmas & New Year's:

 Boxing Day, 26 December 2012, Highway 108, before the Fire Station

 Sanctuary (our home on Lama-Hisum) looking SE.

 Oma & Nora, surviving the run down the hill.

 Oma (that's me) and granddaughter Nora, on the FAST saucer, crashing into the finish line!

The boys making their way down the run.  This is just over the forest boundary, near the 3 water tanks behind Lama-Hisum.  

Now I'm looking forward to more of your pictures.  :)


Thanks so much Paul & Patty, on Palepete, for your New Year's Eve photo.  I LOVE pictures with our American flag proudly waving!  :)

Let's keep 'em coming.  I'd love to have a 'gallery' of Mi Wuk area photos to start this new year.


Yes, we have some weather.  Christmas snow is yet to melt because it's been so cold.  Roads are still icy, especially at night.  The snow removal personnel were furloughed when the snow came Christmas Day so we had only a cursory removal of snow on the village roads.  Hmmmmm. 

The source for our exact latitude:

I'm always looking for photos of what it looks like in your part of Mi Wuk or nearby so please feel free to send them to me and I'll post them here as soon as I can.

Be safe.