Friday, April 13, 2012


As I was returning to Mi Wuk after 2 weeks in the Dublin/San Jose yesterday afternoon I stopped at the Trader Joe's in Pleasanton.  (Oh do I wish we could qualify for a TJ up here!)  At check-out I commented to the checker that I had carefully purchased only what would fit into my thermal bag

because I was driving to the Sonora area and wanted to keep my cold or frozen items cold or frozen.  The gal behind me in line said, "Oh, we have a cabin in Mi Wuk Village."  WHAT???  "That's where I'm going.  I live in Mi Wuk Village", says Blythe.

So we chatted for a few minutes and, since she didn't know about this blog,  I gave her the url.   HI CHERYL!  I hope you found it!  I left Trader Joe's with a huge smile on my face---you just never know when or where you're going to run into someone who has part of their heart at 4500' along Hwy. 108.  "Come on up Cheryl.  We have snow!"

Personal on my part:
I don't quite know how to share this, but I think you all should know what's going on in our family.  My 41 year old stepson, Jeff,  is on the downhill side of his battle with ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease.  So, my husband, Russ, and I are pretty much alternating weeks and days at his home in San Jose as caretakers and 'entertainers'.    Jeff did not plan for ALS or anything un-macho-like to come into his life so we've had quite a time keeping up with his medical equipment needs and other caretaking needs.  We are trying to fulfill a bucket list wish (such a tacky phrase) to go on a camping trip with his dad and the guys from UAL--a trip he's been a part of for the past 20 years.  Because it is such a logistical challenge (1) my daughter has set up an online fundraiser for him and (2) we are looking for 2 qualified skilled caretakers who would like to go camping at Antelope Creek, near Red Bluff, 15 miles off the highway, where there is no running water and they sport pit toilets.  Great fishing.  The trip is historically brought to life by ATF---Alcohol Tobacco Firearms.  Use your imagination.  :)  They do go shooting there, in a very safe location several miles from the camp site.  Yes, I have been there and yes, I'm going on this trip.  (I love it!)  It's usually only THE GUYS but this year will be an exception.  They all just want to see Jeff show up.

If you or anyone you know is a trained caretaker/paramedic, familiar with bed/wheelchair bound patients, adventurous and would like a fun, expenses paid, 5-6 days in the outdoors in early June (6-11), let me know. 

And if you'd like to check out Andrea's fundraiser, much easier than trying to orchestrate a Tri-Tip Sandwich event at the Fire Station, please check it out at

Thanks for reading!

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