Wednesday, May 28, 2014


YESTERDAY our 9 month old kitty, Ginger, got bit by a rattlesnake.  We saw her shortly after it happened and I took her down to Twain Harte Veterinary Clinic where Dr. Ordway took great care of her.  She's back there again this morning getting another dose of flushing liquids through her body to help protect from organ issues, keep her blood oxygenated, and dilute the venom. 

 It's hard to get a photo of a drugged, ticked off kitty who doesn't like the bandage on her leg and doesn't feel 'herself'.  But--little cheeks are swollen and face is a bit puffy.

Fortunately, it seems as if Ginger pulled back as the (probably small) snake struck out at her and she had only a few marks on her face.  But there was venom injected.   She looks like a chipmunk with the swelling of her cheeks.  There is also bruising inside her mouth, 'behind' the bite marks.  This bruising is typical of a snake bite.

That's as far as my education goes.  But---keep a check out in your yards.
  • in brushy areas
  • near water sources -- they're thirsty and look for prey near water since they're thirsty too
  • under your decks where it's cool and perhaps damp
Do you know that:
  • a dead rattlesnake can bite you?  Being a cold-blooded animal, it takes longer for its nerves to stop doing their thing.  Same for dead alligators and snapping turtles.  How embarrassing would it be to be bit by a dead rattlesnake, alligator or snapping turtle?
  • the decapitated head of a rattlesnake can bite you?   If you were to pick up a head, the same reasoning applies........the nerves could be still 'doing their thing'.  It's a reflex, it can bite and there's still venom in the mouth!  OK?
From the Mi Wuk Ranger District:
  • be sure your grass (grasses) is/are trimmed low
  • watch where you walk, especially when crossing streets
  • when you move a rock or wood, lift it AWAY from you, exposing what might be under the rock on the far side from you 
That's all for my rattlesnake scare.  Be alert.  They're more prevalent at lower elevations but they're certainly in our area as well.

1 comment:

  1. We had a young rattlesnake in our yard just around the corner from you on Friday.
